Transport-Phenomena Assignment 1st Release
Velocity profiles and the stress components. For each of the following velocity
distributions, draw a meaningful sketch showing the flow pattern. Then find all the components for the Newtonian fluid. The parameter b is a constant.
Below is the Python codes solution:
# Todo: Problem 1 (a)
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
b = 1
x = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20)
y = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
vx = b * Y
vy = n ...
Maxwell's Relations & Mixtures
Problems 麦克斯韦关系9.9 Rubber bands are entropic springs. 橡胶带是熵弹簧。Experiments show that the retractive force f of polymeric elastomers as a function of temperature T and expansion L is approximately given by f(T,L) = aT(L−L0) where a and L0 are constants. (a) Use Maxwell’s relations to determine the entropy and enthalpy, S(L) and H(L), at constant T and p. (b) If you adiabatically stretch a rubber band by a small amount, its temperature increases, but its volume does not change. Derive an e ...
Hello_html, CSS
The Rise of Soccer in The US
Article By: Jane Dover
How the Rise of Soccer in the US Is Changing the Face of Youth Sports
The focus on soccer in youth sports programs is exploding nation-wide
When the first World Cup arrived in the US in the 90's everyone officially declared that soccer was it. Well it's taken it's time but we can definitely see the influence of soccer, especially women's soccer, across the US. This year, 3 million kids
played in youth s ...
PyG Walker Visualization
“PyG Walker” 开源可视化工具可实现基于jupyter, kaggle和Colab的数据分析
E.g. Jupter Notebook1234567import pandas as pdimport pygwalker as pygdf = pd.read_csv('random_data.csv')mydata = pyg.walk(df)# Data statistics and visualization schematic are as follows:
Great Color Palette
adopted in this article
三色渐变:linear-gradient(135deg,#8a7bbf 0%,#6f60aa 30%,#473C7A 60%,#2E294E 100%)四色翻转:-webkit-linear-gradient(90deg,#462f76,#dd4660,#473c7a,#74ed97)三色翻转(暗橙色)-webkit-linear-gradie ...
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